Sometimes we don’t know quite what we are grieving. Sometimes we catch a glimpse and then it wisps away as we move closer to it. Sometimes we know exactly what we are grieving and that which we can name is also a taproot to a broader sorrow, too wide to articulate, but felt in the collective. In places we’ve felt helpless or alone, in places that are difficult to fully access on our own, in places asking for witnessing and holding, we remember the wisdom of grieving together. How can we practice deepening into our sorrow, building trust with ourselves and each other as we go, so we can more fully inhabit our experience of being human?
Join Kelsey Maloney and Monika Denise for a three-part grief intensive exploring both personal and global grief. Our time will include guided meditation, song, small and full group sharing, embodied ritual practice, between session art invitations and readings/listenings, and a nature-based Council of All Beings (as developed by Joanna Macy). Group size is limited.
March 14, Thursday 6-9pm
April 7, Sunday 10:30am-5pm
May 9, Thursday 6-9pm