Youth Embodiment Groups

Kelsey Maloney offers a variety of ongoing groups and labs exploring connection through movement, play, writing, and other art forms.

All writing, improv theater, and dance groups are offered on a by-request-basis. If you have a group of 11-17 year olds interested in one of the following offerings, please contact Kelsey. Kelsey is also available to customize a group gathering based on the interests of the participants. Offerings are typically 6-8 weeks in length with 1.5-2 hour weekly meetings. Pricing is determined according to group size and needs. Please see below for examples of her previous offerings.

We Were Laughing

We get to go after connection with each other.  It’s not that hard — and it is. All these things have happened that keep us from connecting. We want to be closer to each other, to be seen and to give people our attention.  

In this ongoing group, we will practice breathing into ourselves more fully so we can let out more of ourselves. From here, we will explore the dance between you and me. We will use play and improv theater as our doorway, letting our guards drop so we don’t have to try so hard. It is ok to be scared. To be awkward. To have a ridiculous amount of fun. Please bring all of yourself, including your vulnerability, courage, and sense of humor.

Photo Credit: Nick Margolies

The Art of Messing Up

As a society we are addicted to competence. To supposedly knowing what to do. We don’t have much space for being beginners. For making mistakes. We get a lot of messages saying, You might get it wrong. Make a mess. Say the wrong thing. And then, “Oh no, I messed up!” That terror, sinking feeling in the belly. “I can’t do this!”

We can unlearn this together. We can make more space for not knowing what to do. We can practice expressing more, showing up for each other, and letting ourselves be seen in our discomfort and mistakes.

In this class, we will practice messing up (being human) in good company.

We will keep it simple. Really simple. With the tools of humor, release, and connection, we will practice finding our centers when we are thrown out of whack. We will breathe, dance, write, play games, and make art. Be prepared to spend a small chunk of time on weekly, out-of-class, experiments.


Art by Kelsey Maloney

In Their Hands

This group is a space to come together to share our stories. Using the Open Floor Movement Practice to guide us, we will dance, write, dance, and write. Repeat! This class is about community, connection, and what we can create both individually and together.

No specific writing or dancing experience necessary - come just as you are!



In this group, we will explore deep rest — not by falling asleep or collapsing, but by resting in the simplicity of our breath, both in stillness and movement. The “moving meditation cycle” will be our primary format, which consists of two rounds of just sitting, just walking, and just dancing. There is nothing we need to do. Nothing to push. Nothing to figure out. Kelsey will begin each session with a gentle meditation or activity to deepen our connection to self, each other, and/or the greater field. From there, we will practice moving at a different pace and letting our nervous systems settle, giving ourselves an opportunity to reset.

Photo Credit: Kelsey Maloney