First Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Second Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Third child’s information:
(please include name, birthday, gender, & pronouns)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Child
Address (if different than child’s):
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Child
Address (if different than child’s):
Child's Physician
First Name
Last Name
Physician Phone
Physician's Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Name of Health Insurance
Policy #
Person carrying insurance
Relationship to participant
List all possible allergies (foods, drugs, insects, other)
List all possible reactions
List any health conditions and/or concerns (including if s/he sunburns and/or overheats easily)
Emergency Contact #1
Relationship to Child
Cell Phone
Home/Work Phone
Emergency Contact #2
Relationship to Child
Cell Phone
Home/Work Phone
Relationship to Child
Authorized Pick-Up Person #2
Relationship to Child
Authorized Pick-Up Person #3
Relationship to Child
What are your hopes and fears for your child in regards to this program?
I am aware of the program activities and feel my child can participate without restrictions.
I am aware of the program activities and feel my child can participate with the following restrictions or adaptations (please describe below)
Please describe restrictions or adaptations needed to ensure our program is accessible for your child
Are you comfortable with your child going barefoot in environments deemed “safe enough” by the Play Project staff? These environments may include grassy parks and some forest areas and may contain some hazards such as bees and unseen sharp objects. (Yes/No/or Explain):
To what extent is your child comfortable and confident around water?
Would you like your child to reapply sunscreen on days when we have prolonged sun exposure?
The Play Project may use images and sounds of participants and staff to share with enrolled families and/or to promote future programs of The Play Project. Please check the box that is most appropriate:
(Please note: The Play Project does not use social media and no images taken during summer camp programs will be posted on social media).
I give permission for The Play Project to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs or other media that may include my child’s image or voice to share with families in the same program and/or to promote the Play Project Programs.
I am not comfortable with my or my child’s image or voice being used in promotional materials.
I am not comfortable with my or my child’s image or voice being documented in any capacity.
Is there anything else about your child that would be helpful for us to know?
Please select which session(s) you'd like to register your child for:
(select all that apply)
Session 1: Adventures in Storytelling & Art, June 23-26 & June 30-July 3
Session 4, Adventures in Hiking: Aug. 4 —7 & Aug. 11-14
Session 2: Adventures in Play, July 7-10 & July 14-17
Session 3: Adventures in Play, July 21-24 & July 28-31
Would you like to register your child for the full session (both weeks) or for one week of the session ?
full session
one week only
If one week only, please specify which week your prefer:
Additonal details you’d like to include about the sessions you are registering for?
(for ex: registering siblings for different sessions)
Would you like to sign up for early (9am) drop-off?
I am not sure yet
If yes, please list the weeks you would like early drop-off:
What is your preferred payment method for your remaining balance (after the $50/session/child deposit)?
Check (preferred)
WECU transfer (for WECU members only) (preferred)
Credit Card (additional transaction fee)
I have read and agree to abide by The Play Project Policies: